How Working With Enfuse Is Different Inner

Herzberg’s motivation and hygiene factors elegantly explain what an employee seeks when they begin working at an organization. Although it is a subjective ideology, some hygiene factors are automatically expected. This can include good company policies, working conditions, job security, salary, and benefits, among other things. 

These hygiene factors may not necessarily push them to be the best version of themselves at the workplace. However, there are some motivators or satisfiers that drive an employee to greatness, and Herzberg identified them as achievement, recognition, advancement, and growth, among others.

Every organization has core values that define how they want to differentiate their corporate culture from their competitors in the market. This serves two purposes: attracting and retaining the right talent. Employees have become more self-aware of what they want and what they absolutely do not want. As a result, organizations must distinguish their working models to stand out from the crowd.

We have created a culture at EnFuse that strongly emphasizes the motivating factors we use and instill to make it easy for employees to stay and give their all. Here are some of the things that make working with EnFuse a unique and better experience.

1. Purpose

Everyone at EnFuse is driven by a common goal – to solve critical business challenges. This goal sends a sense of fulfillment at work across different hierarchical orders, making it easier for us to retain top talent for longer periods of time. We have fostered a culture that allows everyone to see the big picture, encourages them to work for their passion, and empowers them to realize the organization’s core objective.

2. Entrepreneurial Spirit

According to a Statista report based on data from a 2021 survey, entrepreneurial skills were seen to be more prevalent in certain age groups. Millennials (36%) had a high entrepreneurial spirit compared to 33% of Gen X and 25% of Baby Boomers. 29% of the Gen Zs were also deemed to have a “very high entrepreneurial spirit.” 

An entrepreneurial spirit is driven by innovation, creativity, risk-taking, and adaptability, all of which are deeply ingrained in the EnFuse culture. We empower our employees to realize their full potential without the constraints of micromanagement or a toxic ‘you need to get this approved first’ cycle.

3. Collaboration

Leadership cannot achieve the best results unless collaborative channels are established within the work cycle. According to one study, top-performing employees spend 45% of their time at work doing collaborative work to achieve the best results. 

Teams or organizations that use collaborative work models are 50% more effective at completing tasks than those that do not. Our entire work model at EnFuse is an intertwined collaborative space, allowing us to achieve success collectively as a team.

4. Continuous Learning 

Learning and development have been identified as the most discussed and worked-on parameters for organizations worldwide. According to LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report, over 89% of L&D professionals agreed that developing employee skills is the only way to evolve the future of work.

We have been very deliberate at EnFuse about how we want to channel our L&D efforts to ensure continuous learning and improvement for everyone. From leaders to executives, we have ensured that everyone participates in learning activities for overall growth across various parameters.

5. Career Development

SHRM published an interesting report that demonstrated how, between 2003 and 2013, 70% of the Fortune 1000 list had changed. Continuous development is necessary not only for personnel but also for organizations to remain at the top.

Thus, developing strategies that promote collective development is critical, and it is directly related to how career development is planned. At EnFuse, we invest in our employees’ professional and personal development so that they can exceed expectations without even asking for the same.

6. Performance-Based Feedback

The days of feedback and performance appraisals happening at specific times and intervals are over. EnFuse believes in unconventional evaluations and feedback cycles that are applicable to improving quickly in the real world.

Our feedback mechanisms are performance-based, so even if you joined EnFuse a few months back, there is a good chance your work will be recognized, appreciated, and rewarded. Employees at EnFuse do not have to wait years to gain the necessary exposure and education. We created our system to help our employees improve, learn, and grow throughout the year.

7. Hybrid Work

According to a survey by The Economist, two out of every five respondents believe that working from home allows them to focus better. Over 60% of respondents found the transition to be extremely simple, while only 25% found it difficult to make a change when the need arose.

Modern workers recognize the stability working from home provides in their lives and seek opportunities that provide them with a hybrid or remote working setup. When you work with EnFuse, you get the same thing – a hybrid work culture that promotes well-being and productivity.

8. Work-Life Balance

People only talk about work-life balance, but this is a subjective concept that varies from company to company. EnFuse’s work-life balance is all about making time for personal obligations while enjoying the work. Employees lose over 28% of their time to distractions each year (The Economist survey).

We believe in the power of deep work, which has allowed us to accomplish more in less time while maintaining unwavering focus at work. This has assisted our employees, as well as upper management, in maintaining a sustainable work-life balance.

Want to be a part of such an organization? Check out EnFuse’s Career page and apply for a suitable position for a thriving career.

